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Guild Ball Brewers

This is the Brewer's Guild from the game "Guild Ball". The models have been painted over a span of two years. Thus, indirectly, they document my progress. They have been painted using the traditional style of basecoating, washing and highlighting. The yellow is an exception to that, it has been done this way: 1) Basecoat white, then apply Vallejo Gold Yellow diluted 1:1 with water. Usually one coat is enough to cover. 2) Highlight with Vallejo Pale Yellow. Highlight with white if you want a second highlight layer. 3) Wash with Secret Weapon Yellow Snow, re-highlight if you want to. The yellow has been painted last, i.e. only once the other colours had already been applied and washed. This is because a clear white undercoat is required for the yellow to appear sufficiently opaque. If you hit the yellow with an accidental brushstroke of a different colour, the correction requires white undercoat again. I stuck to a limited colour palette, which has a more important effect o...

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